
Hey guys my name is lee and I’m feeling a little nervous about my pregnancy I took a pregnancy test 14 November and it was positive I call the doctor so I can get an appointment for a confirm pregnancy test Which the doctor said I am 6 weeks On the 17th which was yesterday I want to the hospital because I was having a light cramping They took blood And they also gave me an ultrasound to see if they can see the baby And they couldn’t see it they told me because it was too early in the pregnancy The 18th which is today now I am supposed to be 7 weeks I have an OB/GYN appointment on Wednesday do you guys think when they give me another ultrasound is there going to see they baby And the reason why am so nervous is because I actually was pregnant and my left Tube before Me and my husband wants a baby very bad We’re just hoping that everything is OK and we’re staying positive Plus I have an eight-year-old he’s ready for a brother or a sister Please guys and keep me in your prayers