I need guy advice... *update*

So I’ve known this boy since I was in kindergarten (I am a senior in college now), in the fifth grade he had the biggest schoolyard crush on me. And all throughout 7th and 8th grade and high school and college I’ve liked him... and last week I kissed him and he went from “let me take you out on a date for coffee... then see where things go?” To “i can’t be in anything right now romantically but I just want to affection and only from you...”

Girls... I don’t know what to do 😢 I really like him, I’ve known him my whole life... and I don’t want us to be awkward around each other... any advice?

Soooo update* I clarified what I wanted and wasn’t into the whole friends with benefits thing because I get attached and didn’t want to be hurt. So he agreed that he really did want a relationship but thought I didn’t want one. So it seemed like a big mix up with words.

Now we are hanging out and I guess what some people say “talking”