Advice-input please on my nursing/pumping schedule!!


I would greatly appreciate feedback!! This is the schedule I’m finding that works... am I at risk of my supply dropping giving her a bottle at night too?

My baby is almost 3 mo old and I have just gone back to work 80% full time working 6.5hr days.

(We have family at home watching her now, but I will take her to Daycare starting Dec 31. She will be over 4 mo old then)

6am I wake up and get ready for work

630am nurse baby

650am-ish pump after nursing

8am I leave for work

930am pump at work

1230pm pump at work

3pm pump at work

330pm leave work and get home by 4pm

430-5pm-ish nurse baby on demand

7pm baby’s bathtime and night routine

730pm-ish bottle of 3-4oz breastmilk and nurse after if needed to get baby sleepy

Hopefully baby is asleep by 830pm

My daughter sleeps 9-11hr with a bottle of breastmilk at night. If I just nurse her she wakes up between 230-430am. I just don’t have enough nursing her at night to get her through... I also really need sleep for my job.

On weekends I only pump once in morning after morning feed and nurse on demand.

I def pump most in morning after first feed and she takes 4oz bottles of my breastmilk while I’m away.

Is 4 pumps a day enough??

TIA for your feedback!!