What sweet thing should I do for my BF?


Today I woke up with a wicked hangover (me and my dumb decisions) and for the next 7 hours was very sick in my boyfriend's bathroom. He was so sweet and went out and bought me Gatorade and made me toast and held me when I was shivering and was really quiet when I finally took a nap and slept the rest of it off. I appreciate the hell outta him, he could've easily just drove me home to be taken care of by my housemates so he could get his work done, but instead he put all that aside and did everything he could to make me feel better.

I wanna do something for him now that I'm feeling better to let him know how grateful I am for him. Anyone got any ideas? I was thinking about writing him a poem, but I do that fairly regularly and I'd like to think of something new.