Trying to breathe

So I’m going to rant here for a minute because I’m just lost. I’m 21 years old and 33 weeks pregnant. I’ve been with the father of the baby for 4 1/2 years on and off but I’m honestly not happy. It’s one of those relationships where I just keep crawling back.. I’m scared to be alone. And now I’m extremely scared because I’m about to be a mother to a little baby boy. I just feel so empty I want to feel a connection with this baby and feel excited but I just feel empty and stuck. I’m currently sitting in my car trying to breath because once again the father was being an ass to me and he just treats me like I’m his property and he tells me “I can’t leave” and tells me “what I’m going to do.” I’m trying to calm down because I’ve been having some cramps and my stomach is hardening up but I just feel like I can’t do this anymore 😭