Do you care if your SO watches porn?

Ever since I got pregnant my SO lost interest and he’s obsessed with porn he didn’t want to touch me for the longest because he was so obsessed with porn it used to hurt me a lot well i had never seen porn so I decided to see what it was all about and even though I have never masturbated and I don’t to porn I watched it once now I love watching it 😂 so I told my SO and now we are more intimate! Best sex ever! I learned some new tricks from it and we kind of bonded over it because I made him feel bad for liking it when in all reality once I opened up my mind to it we bonded I told him how I understand because now I watch it OFTEN! Lol so it worked out for me just thought I would share my story but for the 5 years we were together I was against it now that I opened up my mind to it I have learned some new tips and tricks and how to spice it up every once in a while 😊

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