C- section scheduled for 32+6. Sad and nervous.


I've got mo/di girls who need to be delivered early because of blood flow issues in their umbilical cords. They are otherwise healthy and a reasonable weight (3lb 13oz at 31+6) but it's now reached the point after weeks of monitoring that the doctor says they are sufficiently developed to be better out than risk further deterioration inside.

I've been round neonatal for a tour which helped but I'm sad I can't carry them for longer and scared how undeveloped they will be.

Selfishly I also feel that I lost the whole last part of my pregnancy and since I don't want any more kids, I've lost my only chance to give birth naturally.

Please send good thoughts for Wednesday and I'd love to hear any similar experiences. X

Update: babies are here and doing well. I know I'm biased but they're really cute. Smaller than expected at 3lb15 and 3lb 7 but they are healthy.