Posted before but it’s getting worse

I’ve made a post previously saying about my family singling me out and never including me and lately things have been getting worse. In 2 weeks I’m undergoing a major spinal surgery which has brought me a lot of stress as you can imagine. Now instead of being there for me my mum is getting drunk blind and smoking literally a pack a day. Recently we have been really struggling for money to the point where us kids have starved all day but not said anything to stress out my Mum. Tonight I’ve had enough. She’s spent 400 dollars on alcohol and smokes with money that isn’t even hers. Shes borrowed it from a few friends. I really want her to stop but every time I try to talk about it she puts me down for being a “worry wart” or a “nuisance” please please give me advice we can’t afford this wasting money what do I doo