I don’t know what to do

December 12th will make it two years since me && him been together ........ we’ve literally fought argued so much I was so tired of the relationship..... I have stuck with him through his mama kicking him out, sleeping outside in the cold with him, the lies, the cheating ..... the things I was told about his past ..... I don’t know what more I can do . We moved in together officially on May 15th since then we was cool enjoying our lil house && everything .... then one day it all changed he wanted a break ..... I wasn’t going on no break when I put my everything into him. I caught him talking to this female nasty I heard everything . I was gonna walk out && go for a walk but he locked me out the house then we started fighting ... long story short we officially broke up that night .... then about two weeks later he come to me trying to be with me which I accepted but here’s the catch ...... he wanted to bring another girl in the relationship . I didn’t want that but he got mad when I told her the truth they’ve been talking since before the first fight but he lied. To her told her we wasn’t together we wasn’t having sex I walked around naked in my own house to seduce him && that I beat on him for no reason . So after he chocked me out because I told him I wasn’t fixing shit between them I told him I was done . I had plans to leave && everything ...... but a week before I was leaving his dad died ..... 💔 he was so broken && hurt I couldn’t just leave him .... I stayed at his mom house helping her with everything since we’ve been apart he’s been trying to get back with me like I’ll share something about being single on fb he’ll get mad && tell me I’m not single that me && him together ....... then came the funeral ...... we posted like a true family && I hate it ... I love him so much but I can’t pretend to be happy . It’s not in me to leave someone hanging like that . I want to be with him but I’ve been dealing with his bullshit all to long . He say when he hurts he talk freaky with other females but he’s hurt me plenty of times && not once have I went off with another dude why ? Bc of my love for him . If I don’t want you baby I don’t want you I’m not gone keep you around && string u along . Also ..... we’ve been wanting a baby for a long time we agreed to co parent so we’ve still been having sex now I’m 20 days late && scared bc Ik this how my life would be by time I realized my mistake it was too late . Yes I want a baby but I don’t want to be stick in the sad hurtful relationship.