Would you move to another city 2 hrs away for your SO?

Please read and give me your input! I am 17 weeks pregnant with mine and my husbands first baby girl! We both work full time jobs and live in a house and split rent with a roommate. We know we will have to move before our baby girl gets here since our roommate likes to keep ounces of weed in the house and I can’t stand the though of me being around that much less my baby. But, with a baby coming and other circumstances we wouldn’t be able to afford to rent or try to buy another house on our own like we would love to do. We both know this. At my last appointment my dr told us my placenta is not in the right spot and if it doesn’t move on it’s own by 20-30 weeks I will be on complete bed rest and most likely will have to be scheduled a c-section. Which puts me out of work longer than we expected. He also does not work if it rains as he does construction outdoors. This could mean we get little to no pay check if we have bad weather. Okay now to the big question. My grandmother has always been the biggest influence in my life. My parents were divorced and I was closer to her than anyone. She lives 2 and a half hours away from where we live. She has 2 houses that she owns and offered one for us to live in for free, all we would have to pay is the utilities! Plus I would live across the street from her so I would have family to help take care of me after a possible c section and her heart isn’t well and would love to be able to see her more often. It would be perfect for my husband and I and we could save so much money and all we would have to do is get jobs in the new city. However my husband has a lot of family where we live now and he is very close to them and said he would not move. I told him we could come here anytime he wanted it’s not like we are moving states it only 2 hours away. So I guess my question is should I try to talk him into it and try to explain to him how much better for his family we have created this would be and how I should approach him with it or am I being selfish for wanting him to move?! My father told me he needs to think about me and his child more and realize how much easier it would be rent and roommate free! It would ease my stress so much as well. Thank you for reading all this I desperately need help!

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