3 more weeks to go and I'm so nervous!!


I'm almost at the finish line and it feels like I'm a first time mom all over again lol simply because my first pregnancy was super smooth and my water broke on its own 2 days before my due date, I never had any BH contractions and real contractions never kicked in on their own because I ended up being induced. I honestly don't know what to expect this time and I keep wondering how will it happen this time? Idk what contractions feel like and I'm not sure I'll know when I'm in labor. My last ultrasound was at 32 weeks and baby was already 4lbs so I'm not even sure how big the baby will be when I actually give birth 😖. I just pray for a healthy delivery and hopefully I don't go overdue lol. At how many weeks did you give birth to your second child?

This is me on my surprise baby shower lol

My little family 💙