Where do I stand?

L • 30 🇬🇧

I put a post up a while ago about my friend (who is also my tattoo artist) having his wife pack her things and leave him (with him having to juggle life and 3 kids)

Since then we’ve been talking a bit, as I do some photography work for his shop.

Last week he went on holiday with his children, he text me before he went saying we’d carry on talking when he got home.

I went for the next part of my tattoo to be done last Thursday, and he was saying he’s got back from his holiday that day and was going to cancel his appointments but saw he had me in so he didn’t!

He keeps asking me how my situation with my partner is at home (it’s complicated as I’m his carer and have been feeling like I’m stuck in a rut with everything!) but he’s been talking to me about things with his kids and now ex wife etc.

I only see him as a good friend, but I just can’t seem to work out where I stand with him.

How do I approach this with him?