Ladies!!! Whether you are happily with a guy or not, I seriously ask you to reconsider ever sending sexual pictures where you can see your face or a personal account or anything. 3 years after I left a guy, a guy who I thought “oh he would never do that” is threatening to post the pornographic pictures of me on google. This will be attached to my name forever, employers, family members, friends, enemies, everyone will have access to it if he does post them. I know we all shrug it off when people say that they’ll haunt us forever when we send things to people, and now, years later, haven’t spoken to him in how long, happily in another relationship with kids and he pops up to ruin my life. Please please please please run through all the options of what could happen if they are leaked through your head before you send them. How it will affect relationships, job opportunities, and reputations. Also, if anyone does pray, please pray for my sanity in this situation and pray that he calms down and leaves me alone I’m scared to block him because he might leak them, and I’m going to tell my fiancé when I get home from work but I’m terrified.