
Okay so, can I start off by saying I hate my boyfriends family? Hate them. They are the worst people. From his mom asking repeatedly if I'm lying about my pregnancies, asking him if he's the father, to her telling my own dad I'm pregnant before I could. His grandma cut my baby's hair without telling me, constantly is taking my baby out of my arms or her high chair even when I tell her NO, and taking her places without my permission, and she's a bad driver and has had many near miss accidents with us in the car.

Well, he still lives with his family and I still live with mine, and we go over to his house every weekend, to explain the situation.

This week has been a living hell.

His mom accused me of basically trying to poison their dog because she ate a plastic bag out of the trash, when no one fed her all day from 10 AM to 6 PM and her being sick was my fault.

His grandma had her cat put down this Friday, and as I mentioned she steals my baby from me to play with her, so his mom takes it upon herself to say, "Looks like you have to actually take care of your kid this weekend." Okay. Rude. I blow it off though.

Then comes Sunday, my boyfriend was buying us dinner at the grocery store, I thought he was getting just enough for us, (him, our 1 year old, and myself.) So I tell his mom, "He's buying us three dinner, you guys are on your own." Which they do to us ALL THE TIME. EVERY WEEKEND. So she texts him and says, "Wow only feeding yourselves? I would've liked to know." Well I fucking told you tho?! So he buys dinner for ALL of us. I blow that off.

Last night our baby was happy yelling, like she does when we're playing and stuff, it was late because she has an odd sleep schedule. Well his mom SLAMS her door as loud as she can and we woke up to the text I'll post below. So I go off, finally, after all the comments.

And I got really sad, and being pregnant with baby #2 I craved Chocolate.

Well, I had accidentally left a BUCKET, of chocolate there last weekend. This is the bucket. It was OVERFLOWING with truffles.

A bucket of Lindt I had told them was MINE DON'T EAT IT. Well, they ate the entire bucket. I ask them, "well it was a big bucket and easily $20+ worth of chocolate that was a gift, and you ate it all? You couldn't have asked me or my boyfriend if you could have some? I told you it was mine!" At this point I'm so fed up with them that I'm crying, I was sad, and wanted chocolate. The only thing they said was, "Whoops. Sorry, guess we'll get you more. Shouldn't have left it." When my boyfriend confirms he had put it in his room, they had to go in his room and find it.

His family happened to have cookie dough from his brothers school fundraiser, one big unopened tub of chocolate chip was in the fridge, of the 6 tubs they bought. They're $20 each.

So I took it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm pre-heating the oven for spite cookies. They ate an entire bucket of my chocolate, I'm gonna eat a whole tubs worth of your cookie dough.

And also, to put her noise complaints into perspective, she gets mad at us when we use the bathroom, not flushing the toilet, and going downstairs to make our daughter food or bottles. We're

RIDICULOUSLY quiet. Tiptoeing and silently shutting doors. Not stomping and slamming like she plays it off as. And the comment about January, we're moving! Finally!

UPDATE: when I asked if they had eaten my chocolate, I confronted his little brother (14) and his grandma, mainly his brother, asking WHY they decided the chocolate was everyone's. I asked him specifically, "Why didn't you ask your brother? He would've repeated that it's mine, don't eat it. Like I've told you several times. If you don't know, don't eat it. It was in (insert my daughter's name here) bucket from her birthday party. It obviously WAS NOT YOURS."

Well apparently my boyfriends brother complained to his mom that I was mean to him? When I was asking a question and stating a fact?

If I eat anyone else's food in their house I get snapped at, like I get my head bitten off. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They literally mark all their food with markers.