Boy trouble

Ok so this is a very complicated story but I hope I can find some good advice.

I was once talking to this guy jack he is everything I could want he’s extremely cute, plays sports and is on varsity. He’s funny and like I said...extremely cute. Well we stopped talking because he thought I didn’t like him and so he posted things on his story about other girls being cute and what not and I got mad and stopped texting him. He never made the effort to text me after that so we just kinda stopped talking. Well that was back in October. Since then, I found a new guy named Seth. He’s younger than me, not as cute as jack but still good looking, he plays sports, also varsity and everyone likes him. He’s funny, a bit immature, and seems to like me a lot. Butttt jack decided to hmu again and tells me he’s trying to get back with me. And I just can’t say no because he’s just so attractive. Not just his physical features but his personality too. So I don’t know what to do, keep talking to them both and see what happens, give Seth a chance since I haven’t given him one before, give jack a 3rd chance (cause we’ve already gone through this two other times) orrrr just drop them both and give up completely 😅 idk what to do. I’m 17 btw and I’ve been through many relationships and know how it works but I just don’t know what to do on this one. They are both pretty good guys. (I’m leaning more towards jack though) but y’all let me know y’all opinions please!! Help a sister out.