
Hi ladies my SO keeps going in childish moods with me if i dont have sex with him his drive is so much higher than mine and iv explained this i do all i can like i dress up for him i wait up most nights for him even though i have kids and he finishes work very late i always make that effort but its still carrying on i thought he may have cooled down because i have spoke with him so many times about it but he still acts like a child and goes in a mood with me am i wrong or should he not be respecting me because i feel like im worthless now and i dont want to say no because it will cause a argument 😒 he turns around everytime i say no and says i need to try harder i feel like shit if im honest and iv said all this too him but its like he really dont care about the fact of how i feel i have epilepsy and stress triggers my seizures and he keeps arguing with me and ill end up in a seizure because i cant handle it even if i tell him i dont want to argue and even in the middle of arguing ill keep saying stop your going to make me have a seizure but he still carrys on am i over reacting because he makes me feel like iam?

P. S weve been together 2 years and iv been telling him from the start i always made myself clear. It comes up every month even if iv had sex with him most of thay month.