Some women should never be moms


So a little bit of back story first. My husband has a 9 year old daughter with his exgirlfriend who we have full custody of. She's biologically not his but we didn't find that out until recently. It didn't make any difference though nothing changed because we love her and he's her daughter. I'm only mentioning it so you guys start getting an idea of what kind of person his ex is. She is supposed to get her daughter one weekend day a week and she rarely does that. She never wants to see her daughter. This ex has 2 older kids one is 14 and the other 12. We have been hearing from people who live near the ex that her and her new husband have been abusing the 12 year old. The 12 year old boy even tried killing himself a few months ago and we had no idea why until we heard these allegations of abuse and then it started to make sense. Yesterday the ex texted my husband basically telling him she wants us to take the 12 year old. She doesn't want him anymore and wants us to take him. My mind was and is blown. What fucking mother does this? She is a complete sociopath. The 12 year old is the sweetest boy ever and we are going to take him because he needs someone to love him and clearly his mom does not. I can't help but to be a little worried and stressed though because I have a son so this will make us have 3 kids plus we are trying to have a baby. The ex doesn't have a job so we can't get child support from her. I guess I'm asking how you all would handle this? I definitely want us to take him but we aren't rich. This will make it harder financially and that worries me. I also just needed to vent because like I said..who in the hell is this heartless?