Husband and pregnancy


I’m wondering what is normal for husbands emotionally at this point in pregnancy. I hit my third trimester this week, and my husband says nothing nor does he have an app to track or has read any of the books about pregnancy. He thinks they are silly and that we should be reading the parenting ones which I agree with but I also feel like I’m in this alone. He treats me totally normal as if I wasn’t pregnant and isn’t a overly affectionate guy to begin with. I love him so much and he is a great partner and will be a great dad, but we had a huge fight when I mentioned he didn’t acknowledge my third trimester, and doesn’t really acknowledge my pregnancy in general either. He says he doesn’t know what he is supposed to do and says I am expecting too much. I know he isn’t the flowers type but anything at this point would be nice. Am I being sensitive or hormonal? How would you handle this? Thanks for any advice!!