Tried to get me fired πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My coworker absolutely hates dogs. Well, I have a service dog. I have been at my job for almost 3 years. She has only been there a few months. Well she tried to throw a fit and make up lies about me and my service dog to get me fired. She said my service was being aggressive towards her and customers. My manager checked the cameras and my dog has never once been aggressive towards anyone. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She did growl at my mean coworker 1 time though because my coworker was being mean to my dog and antagonizing her. I told her if she didn’t leave my dog alone I would call the cops on her because harassing a service dog is actually illegal in my state. Well today my coworker tried to throw a fit again and at this point my manager has had enough of her shit and told her β€œyou can shut up about the service dog for good now or YOU can be the one being fired for harassment in work area, your choice”. She then looked at me and said β€œif she says or does 1 more thing to you or your dog you let me know immediately and I will handle it”. I love that it freaking back fired on her!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I also forgot to mention that my manager has made it so that my coworker only sees the dog for maybe 2 minutes.