No food sounds good


Lizzie • Due in July 2019 with our rainbow after a loss on 6-28-18. Blessed with a 2.5 year old, 7 year old and 13 year old. All boys

The only thing that helps my nausea is eating but literally nothing sounds appetizing to me these days. I have to literally force myself to start eating something and then it tastes ok. I couldn’t even eat my chicken At dinner last night 😭 anyone else? I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow

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I’m 5w4d and nothing sounds good to me either. I literally go all day without eating then force myself to eat dinner. Once I start eating I’m fine but even then I can’t eat as much as I did before. Planning dinner has been hell because nothing sounds good.


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Yes!! I end up being sooo hungry but I have no idea what to make because absolutely nothing sounds good.


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I'll get a craving for a certain food amd then the thought of eating said food will be a turn off later.


Zil • Nov 22, 2018


N • Nov 21, 2018
This keeps happening to me too!


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I’m 7wks today and lost my appetite. Everything I use to love eating seems aweful now. I haven’t gotten any morning sickness. I can only eat oatmeal, soup and fruit. Anything else makes me feel like I’m stuffed and ate a feast. Couldn’t even finish Avo Toast?!?! Is this also a form of Morning Sickness 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Yes!! Cooking in general has me so turned off, all I seem to enjoy right now is toast and some egg whites.. I'm 8 weeks 1 day preggers, hoping the 2nd trimester is magically better!


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Yes! It sucks. Also, coffee seems to make the nausea worse. Even the decaf version. 😩


Sarah • Nov 21, 2018
Last pregnancy I drank the V8+Energy drinks (no more than 1 a day) because I'd want caffeine but coffee made me nauseous too.


Lizzie • Nov 21, 2018
I have sadly given up coffee for that reason 😰


Posted at
I’m only week 5 but already food has just stopped being appealing. Hoping it won’t stay this way but if it does I’m going to have to start pretending to be enthusiastic just to eat some veg or something.


Katie • Nov 21, 2018
Ugh I’m dreading thanksgiving especially cuz we are trying to keep it quiet until after the holidays so I can’t give anything away.


Zil • Nov 21, 2018
Same. Thanksgiving is gonna be rough faking excitement for food.