Sweet words...


What’s something your SO has said that made you see your whole relationship in a different light and made you love and appreciate them even more? Last night my boyfriend and I were painting in the bathroom. We’re trying to fix up his house so he can sell it and we can live somewhere better. He started talking about how much he appreciated all my help with the house and then he paused for a minute. He said “I think it’s kind of amazing how we came together. We both realized how unhappy we were in our last relationships and were single within a day of each other. Then we met not even a week later, we became friends, then best friends, and I got up the nerve to ask you to be mine. I don’t know about you, but I think the universe was telling me that I needed you. That I was ready for you and all that you are. I love you so much.” This man. He’s incredible. We haven’t known each other long, but somehow I feel like I was supposed to know him my whole life. I was with someone for three years before I met him. I loved that guy, but I wasn’t in love. I’m in love this time.