5 day old...need advice!


Okay mamas....advice please!

Baby boy is 5 days old..he latched right away and has been doing great! Last night he ate from both breasts for almost 2.5 hours straight. Got to the point where I didn’t have anything left and he was using me as a pacifier. I hadn’t gave him a pacifier yet because I was terrified it would mess up his latch. But last night after that long of nursing and me being exhausted I decided to give him that pacifier and he went right to sleep. FINALLY, lol. Anyways he latched just fine this morning on both sides, latched just fine in the car before his doctors appointment, then again in his doctors appointment. All of a sudden after at my grandmas he refused BOTH sides. He was screaming but all he wanted to do was sleep and then he’d wake up seeming hungry. Thought maybe it was just us not having our regular nursing pillow, got home, he still wouldn’t latch. Now he’s only taking my left side.

Did I totally screw up his latch giving him this pacifier?! I am pumping before/after he feeds, whatever is necessary because my boobs get so engorged. I was so excited that he was doing so well and now I’m so discouraged.

My first didn’t latch so was exclusively bottle fed from me pumping. This is all new 😪