UGH! Rant...


Not to sound totally ungrateful, but I need to vent for a moment.

I realize I’m being a little bratty, but I’ve felt like shit for a week (had a temp of 101.7) and am exhausted since the baby kept waking up last night, so I know I’m a bit more grouchy than usual.

Also, I’m not interested in being shamed for being grumpy... if this post annoys you, just move along.

This morning my husband let me sleep in for a couple hours because I’m sick and we were up with the baby all night. He gave her a bottle while I was sleeping, so I needed to pump once I woke up. This is all wonderful (well, not so much on the pumping)...

Instead of getting a few minutes peace and quiet to pump, he brings the baby and the dog in while I’m pumping at the kitchen table. (It’s the best place to pump in our house) He decides to give the baby some solids (again, great, thank you) but the dog is just the biggest pain in the butt, and keeps coming over trying to lick me and my pump stuff. Then, once he’s done feeding the baby, he decides he’s going to give her a bath (I’m still pumping) and leaves the baby in the high chair to prep the tub. She starts crying, I can’t pick her up bc she’s across the room, and the effing dog won’t leave me alone.

I feel super ungrateful writing this- I have a great husband who will wake up with the baby, feed her without my prompting, give her new solids, take care of the dog, and even give the baby a bath now that she’s covered in food... but good lord, can’t I please just get a few minutes to pump in peace and quiet?