Weaning and cutting the night nursing?


Briggs is 11 months and I still nurse him before bed.. I remember I stopped nursing my first around this time to bed and he was completely weaned from Breastfeeding shortly after he turned 1...... that was less than 2 years ago and I don’t remember how I did it!!!!! I have cut down to only pumping once at work and still get 8oz( I have 10 weeks of milk in the freezer yet). Briggs is a 90 percentile guy and eats table food like a champ... I nurse him in the am. He gets a snack around 9 at daycare, they have lunch at 1130 and he gets breast milk in his cup with food.. then 8oz around 230-3... I always nurse him when I pick him up at 5. It’s our unwind from the day. Supper at 6 with 2-3 oz of breastmilk in a cup with food.. then we snuggle up in the rocker at 745-8ish and I let him nurse to sleep.. he is put down awake most night...... I’m just lost on how to transition to weaning... what does he really need at 11 months?!