Anyone have this experience?


I never thought I’d be confused about whether or not I’m pregnant, after so much medical contact: On Monday, at 4 weeks since my 1st day of last period, I went for a check-up with my GP and she gave pregnancy pos/neg blood test. Got the results back Tues night with a positive. Woke up at 4 am on Thurs morning with cramps, dizziness, and bright red blood (not a ton) and went to ER. They did an HCG test and it was only 16 so doc told me I was probably miscarrying and I should expect heavier bleeding & cramps & to follow up with my OB-GYN. 36 hours later, I bled a single clot, a few pantyliners’ worth of blood, and no cramps. Bleeding has stopped completely. Cheapo home pregnancy test shows a negative result. What the hell is going on with my body????? Can’t follow up with doc until Monday so now I’m waiting in mystery all weekend. Can you miscarry with a flow that is lighter and less painful than a normal light-flow period?! 😩🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️