Does anyone else get these?

Ashley • Mama of two 👼🏼👼🏼;Britton & Jaylen. Dog mom. PCOS cyster. Theo 6-8-20 💙. Wife 6-23-18.

I just need to know I’m not the only one. I get these almost pimple-like things on my breast probably every other month or so. They don’t stick out like a pimple though. They’re more like a hole.

They hurt like a bitch too. I try not to mess with them, but if I do squeeze them, they drain like a pimple would, except it’s clear.

It’s always in the same spot; right beneath my aerola. Just wondering if anyone smarter than me knew what it was... is it a pimple? Or an ingrown hair maybe? I really have no clue. It always seems to clear up in about a week or so... but it just keeps coming back...