HELP!!!Weaning bf 19 month old


My baby girl is 19 months old and has always loved nursing. I am a sahm and never made a nursing scedule and was always on demand when she was in the mood. I planned on weaning at 12 months but here we are 7 months later and she still nurses when she wakes, before naps and bedtime to fall asleep and she wakes frequently some nights and can only fall bk asleep nursing. I give in because I need my sleep. I tried going at a slow pace and tried having her cry it out but I cave everytime, I try and distract her or offer her cup which she drinks from as well and that works sometimes but she will only nurse to fall asleep. I wish she was attached to a bottle or pacifier instead so I could take away but I feel like I can't hide my boobs and like I am refusing love as if it's a hug or a kiss bc she screams and cries "momma nursey" . She is definately an emotional nurser and using it to soothe herself. Has anyone else dealt with this as well and if so how did you wean your child? I wish she would start not wanting to so I didn't have to be the bad guy!