Early wake up

Dayna • Mama to the sweetest baby girl -


I’m a first time mom and really struggling with naps and sleep. My baby was always a good sleeper and started sleeping threw the night around 3.5 months. She would go to sleep around 7 or 8 and sleep until 7 or 8. Since daylight savings , she’s always getting up at 5 am! She’s 8 months old and cutting her first tooth. Our typical morning- She gets at am 5 am, I leave her in the crib for awhile in hopes she will go back to sleep. End up coming upstairs for her at 5:30. We do a diaper change and a bottle. She still seems tires and rubs her eyes. Usually after 1 hour and a half, we go back to bed and she will usually nap for almost two hours.

I’ve tried keeping her up longer before putting her back down but she just napped shorter and was cranky for the rest of the day. I’ve tried putting her to bed later and she woke up at the same time. The room is dark, temperature is right. I’m just not sure what to do. I’m going back to work in 2 months and It would work much better for me if I could get her to sleep till 6:30-7 ish... any ideas ?