
I stop birth control in September. Had my normal period at the end. Went two weeks and got my next period to weeks early in Oct. I didn't get a faint Positive until Nov.11 and then I got tested at the doctor and they got a faint Positive on urine and a Positive on blood.

Was having some cramping the week of Thanksgiving. Went in on Tuesday and Hgc level checked they were 740, progesterone 19, and a vaginal ultrasound but all they found were 2 cyst on my left ovary and 1 on my right. No sac.

Fast forward to yesterday I went to the ER because I've had a terrible cough for 3 days with some cramping. The did another vaginal ultrasound and found nothing but the cyst, and checked my HGC again this time it was 652. I have no bleeding or spotting. I'm 9nly a little nauseous here and there and I still occasionally get cramps on both sides and some back pain.

Am I experiencing a miscarriage or am I over reacting? Has anyone numbers gone down and then back up? Does anyone know if hospitals use different test to check HGC level? Any thoughts would help.