Hoping for a girl 🀞🏽🀞🏽🀞🏽😒

Trice β€’ FTM 😍 due 5.9.19 born 5.10.19 πŸ’œ SO IN LOVE πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ˜

I am currently 16w 3d and I get my anatomy scan at 21 weeks .. I am so anxious to know the gender. Me and my bf really want a girl so bad, we even have the name picked out and everything 😩 everyone thinks I’m having a boy due to the old wives tales symptoms.. every time I I hear β€œit may be a boy” or think about a boy I get upset! ☹️ I don’t want to seem ungrateful and I’m not sure how I would take the results if so .. also my family is planning on throwing a gender reveal for me but I don’t want to get upset in front of them and be judged so I’ve been thinking about just finding out at the anatomy scan ☹️ although they don’t want me to and urging me not to take the fun out of my first pregnancy.. I don’t know what to do 😒 .. the picture below was at 13 weeks.. And from the video I just have the feeling that it might be a boy 😩 what do you think ? (Not sure why I can’t post the video below but this is a screenshot from the video because the baby was so active this is the only clear moment I could capture)