I’m so scared


Well I was able to return to work this past Friday after my d&c. Upon getting to work I started bleeding a little heavier but figured it was just from movement. It settled after I got off and put my feet up. Saturday I was called into work because one of the nursing staff called in and no one was able to cover and again my bleeding became heavier. Again I assumed from the extra movement. Sunday bleeding had decreased to minimal spotting. Monday I go to work and begin with light spotting when increased to heavy spotting but today I’m gushing. I spoke with my doctor yesterday and he said my bleeding should decrease but definitely not increase. Oh btw, he did state that the tissue he removed during d&c actually was a fibroid but he’s NEVER seen a fibroid in that form and he’s been a doctor for around 30 years. No cancer cells which was a good thing. Back to the bleeding. Yes, I’m gushing blood today going through a heavy overnight bad every hour. I’m dizzy and having headaches. I called the doctor and I do have an appointment this afternoon but I’m scared. I don’t know what to expect and I’m so scared that my ttc world will be over just like that with no chance of ever having another child. I’m cramping so bad and passing clots too and Advil isn’t touching the pain. Of course I left work early so now I’m just sitting here thinking about the unknown driving myself insane. I was trying to be so positive but after the blood and pain that’s since left me. Please send prayers ladies cause I’m scared to death. I’ll update once I leave my appointment.