Chance that I am pregnant?

I am a week late on my period. I’ve had all my normal pms symptoms within the past couple of days, such as gas and slightly tender breasts, but no sign of my period. My cycle is far longer than most, with my period tending to come within 35-40 days of my last. I am 18, and my boyfriend and I are sexually active. (We only have sex once a week... sometimes once every two weeks) We started off using condoms last January ( our first time) and only used them maybe 5-10 more times after that. Ever since then, we used the withdrawal method. I know this is unsafe, but we have never had any accidents, and i’ve always had a normal period. I also am less worried due to his ejaculation being very watery and clear, which to my understanding is due to low sperm count. Low sperm count+only precum entering my body= not very likely to be pregnant.... although not impossible. I plan to test this week, and am terrified of the result, although my boyfriend is confident that I am not pregnant. I’ve read where a lot of women this month have been a week or more late and have tested negatively... what do you all think? I took the online clearblue and planned parenthood tests and they both say it is unlikely, as I am not having any of the normal symptoms for early pregnancy. If you don’t think pregnancy is the case... what could it be? Yesterday I started to have worse gas and some diarrhea.... could it be something with. My immune system causing a delayed period? Or has anyone else had a usually normal period but randomly skipped a month?

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