
Kayla • Expecting a baby boy March 2019 💙

So I’m a first time mama I’m currently 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant and beyond excited to have my little boy. I’ve obviously been reading a ton and just trying to be prepared for everything that comes with becoming a mother and the day he arrives and that includes watching birth videos, and asking people about their experiences. I’ve heard so many women say natural birth is the most painful thing in the world and then I’ve read that it’s a breeze for some people and I realize that everyone’s is different. I’ve always wanted to do everything natural from breastfeeding and avoiding a epidural and etc. but I realize that sometimes things don’t workout, so I was curious as to 1. Please tell me about your birth experience natural or c section. 2. Which one you’d rather do. And 3. Even some advise. (Personally I I think c sections would be less scary than natural, the videos have me a little anxious lol)