Married young


Hey yall so I got married at 19 which I'd pretty young but I graduated HS when I was 16 and went to college that same year. I grew up fast and my hubby and I are very happy. My mom and dad were totally all for it and very happy for us but my aunt and grandma COULDNT accept it and said I was making a mistake. Whatever, they can have an opinion. So my hubby and I have been married for a while now and are talking about trying for kids. I have PCOS so I want to start trying early. Hes all for it and we are excited. My grandma and my aunt are losing there minds and telling me I cant be a mother at such a young age (I'm almost 20 now) and that I would regret it etc. They are telling me how a child will absolutely ruin my life and I can never do anything once I have a kid. My grandma and aunt hate the way my mom and dad raised us (I was homeschooled and my mom was stay at home). I want to have a child eventually but it hurts so much when they tell me these things because I may never be about to have children with my condition. Hearing people say these things OS so beyond hurtful to someone who cant/is having trouble conceiving. Idk how to explain this to them.