I’m so tired of hearing this

“Kids these days need to slow down and stop being in a rush to move in with each other.”

Shut the fuck up, honestly, just shut the fuck up. You don’t know my story, you don’t know why I’m choosing to move out, and you don’t get to judge me for choosing my education over dropping out of college. I’m so tired of hearing this from every single “adult”. I don’t give a rats ass if you’re 40 and “you’ve experienced life”, stop trying to judge the youth for their choices when you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Yeah, some of them are rotten spoiled brats (you know the type), but then there’s my type. MY TYPE, is those who are choosing to move out because their household is BEYOND TOXIC. It’s better mentally and physically if I leave, and I shouldn’t have to explain that to anyone. That’s my own god damn personal business.

I get it, I’m young, I know that. But you can’t just sit there and tell someone they’re being an idiot, when you don’t even know their story.