Husband NOT helpful

So, I just had our baby 2 weeks ago and my husband has been like 10% helpful. I tried exclusively breastfeeding, but it was making me so depressed and stressed out that I had to switch to formula. I’m a SAHM, and my husband is a full-time college undergrad student (his earliest class starts at 12:30 pm and his latest class ends at 5:20 pm - do not too bad). Anyways...I literally do all of the laundry, all of the dishes, keep the house clean, AND take care of our newborn. Whenever I ask him to do anything, he literally whines about it. I asked him if he could change the baby’s diaper while I make him a bottle and he was like (in the whiniest voice ever), “I’m sleeeeeeeping. I’m tired I don’t want to change his diaper.” ...????? Okay ????? You’ve been sleeping for 9 fucking hours and I’ve been up all night - yet you don’t see me whining every time I have to do something. Oh and btw, this was at 10 am!!! Whenever I wake him up to ask him to help me, he whines and ends up not helping and going back to sleep. I ask him to come right home after class so I can rest a little bit after being with the baby all day, and he goes to his friends apartment and tells me to calm down when I ask him to please come home. Then when he gets home I ask him if he can feed the baby so I can try to take a little nap and he whines about doing that. Last night when we were about to go to sleep, he said he wanted to use the blanket I was using and I was like okay can I just use it because it’s already on me and I want to use it. Then he’s like but I want to use it - then continues to yell at me because he wants it. I didn’t know I was married to a child! I’m so drained and I’m dealing with postpartum depression and I cry every day. Even if he just told me that he appreciated everything I did, it would be better... he used to be so helpful and kind and he’s not like the person I married. I just feel so helpless.