Waiting to MC


This is a super long story but I need information so I have to explain everything.

September 1st was my last period. It lasted a single day. I was five days late for my period in October (6th) when we found out I was pregnant. From the 8th October I have spotted EVERY SINGLE DAY. mostly brown discharge. The week before my birthday (25-30th) October I bled a fair amount, it had no clotting no pain. Went to the doctor. They said there was nothing they could do. Just wait it out. I had my ultrasound due for 26th November. I would have been 13 weeks approximately.

By the 4th November (day after my birthday) I had stopped bleeding and it was back to the brown discharge. I decided I was going to take myself to the hospital because I needed Information. It was ridiculous that the doctors wouldn't check my progesterone levels even though I told them I needed it done because of a previous miscarriage in March.

Went to the hospital 2 weeks 4 days ago.

Exteriour ultrasound showed nothing. Strange... It was said the baby might have only been 4-5 weeks and ovulation may have been late. Internal scan. Nothing again. No sac... No heartbeat. Nothing.

Doctor at the hospital took my urine sample. Positive test still. Bold line.

Blood test done the same day. Hcg at 109. Very very low. Progesterone level at 3. (also extremely low. Which is why I wanted to be tested)

48 hours later. Hcg climbing very slowly 127.

Two days again. It finally drops to 83.

My question is this.

Would it still have risen if I had miscarried the week before the hcg levels were tested? Because I haven't bled since... And I'm still spotting but not clots or anything like that.

As I said before I had a MC at 8weeks back in March I felt myself lose that one. How would I not have passed a clot this time if the suspected gestation was 10 weeks? I would have felt something or noticed it leaving my body?

Nurse told me to wait 2 weeks which is as of today. Did the home test negative but the faintest hint of a line if really looking at it.

I'm aware it's dead but I'm concerned that it's not passing out of my body? I haven't even been offered a D&C. Nurses seemed quite adamant that I would have to pass it naturally. I just want my period to come back because I need to get back to trying again.

Those of you that think I'm rushing. It's more a case of I want them to take me more seriously this time and I'll be on them for progesterone checks and injections ASAP. Plus. I just want my family already and we've been trying for three years and this is the first year our fertility has been better. So I'm trying harder this year.