Hubby just doesn’t get it

I’m 26 weeks pregnant and today I had a midwife appointment. Due to the 1hr15min commute each way, work allowed me to work from home. Anyway, turns out working from home means working more than you usually do!! So... I work all morning, I go to my appointment but due to the clinic in delay it takes 45 min before I’m seen. My appointment is also 45 min long.. I don’t get home until 16:30... and I realise that I’ve only achieved half the tasks set out for me by work. I end up working until 20:00... hubby got home earlier, around 17:30... and he requests that I make dinner as ‘I’ve been at home all day’.... I tell him that I’m still working. He throws in and cooks the frozen pie (no biggie)... he’s now in a mood because apparently he does everything and I don’t do enough! I ask him what did he expect to be doing whilst I’m working and apparently making him dinner? His answer to that was - he needs a sit down after a long day at work.

My thoughts were... Dude... try carrying a baby, your baby, working full time and dealing with someone who talks to you and treats you like that.... 😒 .