Help!! Is it true symptoms of phantom


So I ovulated 20th and had slight pink cm ( told it’s a good sign of ovulation) anyway 7DPO the lightest pink when wiping so light I wasn’t even sure it was there (it was lol) 8DPO light pink again not the whole day only once in morning and once in evening but not coming into liner it’s only when I wipe this carried on yesterday 9DPO same situation morning and evening. It’s now the middle of the night between 9-10DPO. I’m not due af for 4 days. Just been to the bathroom and absolutely nothing. I’m experiencing disturbed sleep (sleeping 4-5 hours waking up for 3-4 hours then falling asleep again til morning) peeing 3-4x more than what I usually do & during the night too which I never do! Had a stitch like pain under my ribs in the morning of 9DPO been having twinges in my stomach & back and a pin prick feeling in my stomach and one boob, Backache (not extreme) bit of a headache since 6-7DPO and quite lightheaded before bed last night. I was also VERY bloated on the night of 9DPO. I tested and it’s negative. The issue being all these things started happening an hour after we found out my husbands sister was pregnant. Argh! Is this just my body torturing me or is it real symptoms for a real reason.