Why does my body play tricks on me!!


There have been months where I’m 100% sure I’m pregnant. Felt nauseous, light headed, hungry, super sore breasts/tender to touch, headaches, strong sense of smell, emotional... you google it, I had it all! Note, this is ttc #3 for me so I know the symptoms, right?! So all I have to do is wait, wait for that test to show that extra little line, wait for that grand moment where I can cheer and cry, the moment where I can finally surprise my husband that our little family is complete, that moment where I can plan how Santa is going to make my kid’s wish come true and bless him with a baby brother. I’m not going to lie, I already have the Santa surprise planned, all I need to do is wait... wait.... wait! Almost a year later, and I’m still waiting, Xmas is around the corner and I’m still waiting.

9 DPO today, have the “symptoms” and was so freaking emotional, way more than usual, that I decided to test knowing that I would not normally cry this much so i know it’s going to be positive, right? Nope.. BFN. So I shall continue to wait. I just wish, I really really wish my body would stop playing tricks on me!