Will it ever happen?

We have TTC for almost 3 years. Earlier this year I decided to have my hormones tested by a specialist. I am 31 years old and my progesterone level was at the same level as someone who was post menopausal as well as some other hormone issues all related to basically not having any progesterone production. So, I was started on oral progesterone and my levels where rechecked 3 months later will little improvement. The doctor increased my dosage and I will be checked again towards the end of December. In the meantime, I started wondering if maybe my husband’s hormones were off too for various reasons so I convinced him to have blood work done and he did in fact have low testosterone. The doctor wanted to start him on testosterone injections but my husband and I are both RNs and questioned if there was anything else we could try. So we did our own research and discovered that testosterone replacement therapy can actually cause a lower sperm count which would make things even harder if not impossible. Our research actually showed that top fertility specialist will usually test the sperm count before they ever check the testosterone levels because you can have low testosterone and still have an adequate sperm count. My husband and I spoke to doctor about our findings and concerns. Turns out, this particular doctor we have been seeing doesn’t do sperm testing so we had to find another doctor locally that would, which wasn’t an easy task. We finally found one and my husband made his deposit and it turns out that he has a every low sperm count with significantly diminished motility in the sperm he does have. During our research we discovered in these cases the top fertility specialist recommended gonadatropin injections to help aide in sperm production and can also help with testosterone levels as well. My husband has only been on the injections for a week now but it is hard to loose faith and to be discouraged. I want nothing more in this world then to be a Mom. Now there’s a chance that we will have go through IVI to conceive. We still aren’t sure quite yet though. Has anyone else gone through these obstacles before and what helped you get through it?