
Jessica • ZSP 9/17/2016 💑 ASP 5/8/2019 👪 Little Platypus #2 on the way 4/2021

Wives don’t admire their husbands the way they used to. Why is that?

I see women expecting their husband to work a full day, come home to cook and clean and take care of children....when they get home hours before he does and all they do is sit down and get on their phones. Women expect men to open doors and pay for meals and bring in enough money to pay bills while they sit by at an easy job making less than they pay the sitter just so they can feel “accomplished” in life.

I saw my mother cheat on my father since I was old enough to remember things, she came home to a messy house, grumbled about food not being ready and whined when I asked for homework help. She never went out of her way to do anything special for my father unless it was his birthday. Honestly neither of them had difficult jobs, she sat at a desk all day and my dad ran a water plant. I went to public school and rode the bus most of the time. For as long as I can remember my mother came home and either sat down in front of the TV or played on her phone until my dad fixed a meal or decided we were going out to eat. She always had something bad to say about him even if he sent flowers, chocolate and a teddy bear to work.

And even growing up with that influence in my life I live my married life so differently. I wake up and make my husbands coffee, fix breakfast if he wants it, pack his lunch and make sure he gets his vitamins. I send him off with “I love you, be careful, have a good day” and a kiss. I often call him on his way to work while I get ready for my own work. I try my best to load the dish washer before I leave, and get the clothes in the wash. I try my best to have dinner going when he gets off work or at least ready to start it when he gets home. I welcome him with a hug, smile, kiss and take his lunch box, coffee cup and Yeti. When he gets ready for dinner I always ask how his day was and if he needs anything extra as far as pain relief goes, or even just extra snuggles. I don’t like what he watches on TV or the games he plays for the most part, but I sit and help him with his games or watch his shows just because I know he worked harder than I did.

Why do I feel like the way I treat my husband is so faux pa now? When my parents were growing up the way I treat my husband is the way it was...what happened?