

I am separating from my husband of three years. It has been constant torment. Lots of marital issues. Lies, narcissism, gaslighting, broken promises, tricks etc. It took me a lot of time to get out of my denial and see what was going on. I lost so many friends, I have grown so depressed I don't eat. A lot has happened. This last issue. Is what lead me to finally get those divorce papers and finish my game plan. He went on a date with a coworker/friend. Who came after our marriage. I am all for friendship. Its healthy but beyond reason. No reason to be talking on the phone, no need to hangout one on one. I as the wife have the right to feel unhappy and uncomfortable with that kind of situation. But. Apparently I am asking yoo much for him to end contact in every shape or form because he broke my trust. Calling her on his work phone and snap chat. Pictures of them together, basically in each other's lap. Things like that. So I'm looking forward to this rough time ahead. I'm ready to be free from someone who isnt going to respect me. EVER. Bless 2019