Vba2c 🙌🏼


So I’m 29 weeks 6 days, my Ob is moving practices and I don’t like the other doctor in the office.

That being said, I was going to have my third c section; although I wanted to try for a vba2c, my doctor wouldn’t allow it. Well, now that she’s moving and I’ve been looking at other practices, I came across a birthing center that has excellent reviews from vbac and vba2c patients. I called them and was originally told I would have to have all my medical records transferred before I could even get an appointment set, well I got a call back from someone else in the office who told me otherwise, so I have officially switched practices and have my first appointment Thursday!! I’m so excited I finally get to try for my vba2c!!! 😍 I would love to hear success stories or other mommas who are trying for their vbac!!

***A little background, my first c section was due to my daughter being in distress, the cord ended up being wrapped around her arm and twice around the neck. My second was because the first scar didn’t heal right.. my doctor (that I was seeing) offered a vbac, but I wanted my scar fixed and to heal correctly so I decided against it thinking I could try for a vba2c if I got pregnant again.