Help 😞🥺

Right now I don’t know how to feel and could really do with some advise..

My partner and I had an argument 2 days ago he has a crazy ex (mother of his child) and she will not let go 😒 like always calling him gets mad when he’s out and always says she wants him to do more as a father ,but when he tries to his child and take the child out for the day she makes up excuses about him having to stay in the house and want them to send it as a “family” he has a big issue with this because he wants to co parent and just do want he needs to for his child but she makes it hard!

So the other night i saw a message in his phone from her that said u know I’ll always love you baby boy and a picture of her self from the back with her fat porky looking legs.. his reply was who took the picture not why you sending it 🙄 or don’t , yes she’s fully aware he has a partner according to him ! She even called me and bugged me I had to change my number i had 180 missed calls from her , anyway seeing the pic got me so mad that when but I didn’t say anything .. my bf saw that my mood had changed and asked what was wrong so I said nothing 🙄🤥🤥

But ..eventually I told him I knew about it and broke up with him , packed his stuff and told him I’m done . He’s not the perfect bf drives me crazy sometimes but I miss him so much .. I didn’t give him a chance to explain himself .. I probably should of but when he was coming to get his stuff I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say and his response was I’ve already said it is , and nothing he says will make a difference.

I feel like that was a shitty response and we haven’t spoken since .. I just don’t know what to do I miss him but I don’t wanna be anybody’s fool . I trust him but that text gave me reason not too or am I over reacting .. he didn’t say he loved her back or anything and I’m just in a bad head space . 😓 help