Reflux help!


Long story. Baby was born October 8th. We started out breastfeeding and everything was perfrct... for about 2 weeks. Then he started cluster feeding. I thought ok, normal. Then began the hiccups and coughing randomly. Next came pushing and unlatching from the breast. I'm thinking ok, he doesnt like dairy. So cut out dairy for 2 weeks, and no caffeine still. He continues to get worse but is gaining weight. Then his face broke out in cystic acne and he got diarrhea so bad he got a peeling rash around his anus. This was at about 5 weeks. I then began weaning to formula and the dr prescribed prevacid liquid. We started with enfamil gentlease. This did nothing so we switched to similac alimentum thinking it was a milk allergy...still no luck and he was slightly constipated. We are on enfamil ar right now and while hes doing better as far as bm's, skin, etc...he is still spitting up a ton, gets hiccups regularly and coughs at random. I was thinking about putting him on playing enfamil and trying nat phos 6x. I read about it and it seems to heal babies reflux within a week of use. I'm wondering if anyone out there can offer me some insight or help? This is my 2nd baby, and my 1st also suffered from silent reflux. But prevacid and enfamil ar helped her exponentially. Any advice is welcomed.