House repainting advice wanted!!!


What color would y’all do throughout this house? I don’t mind different color walls, but I prefer neutral tones like gray. They say navy is the new neutral. I don’t mind navy, but entire the master is navy for some damn reason. The other large bedroom is Kermit the frog green. I’ll post pics with which room it is and whether or not we’re painting that room. Ignore all the junk it’s not ours. It’s the current homeowners.

Dining room. Powder blue. It’s a lot lighter when the lights are on. We’re keeping this color.

Kitchen. Light gray. Not painting.

Living room walls. Same color as entrance and MIL suite. Off white. Not painting.

Master bedroom. Master bath is the same color. Navy blue. The fireplace is light, so that doesn’t need to clash.

Spare bedroom. Bathroom matches. Color: self explanatory🤦🏽‍♀️ poor paint dudes gotta paint up in the skylights too.

3rd floor is a room turned into a closet. It’s staying this way lol. Just gotta repaint because of the spackling job.

Room above garage. Keeping this color as well. I blacked out the junk lol.