Do you believe in psychics/signs? Please read....

Ok, so both my great grandmothers were really superstitious but also very intuitive. My gran (on my dads side) was half native American and held very strongly to those roots, I really liked that about her. My mamaw (my mom's side) used to say her family used to be gypsies, but I'm not sure if she was being serious or just teasing (I've been wanting to research my lineage, but that's for another post). I've heard several people say, even now after they've both long passed, that they both would have 'predictive' dreams. They both predicted when my mom and aunts were pregnant months before they knew, even predicted the gender (even their miscarriages).

I can remember both my mamaw and gran, on different occasions (they didnt like each other lol) telling me there were two babies in my future, my youngest cousin had just been born the first time I mentioned it. When I found out my mamaw was a twin I thought it was so cool (I was about 8 at the time) and told her I wanted twins when I got old enough to have kids and she smiled at me and said she had a dream that I would. My gran would always say her dream walks told her I would to be 'cursed' with twos at once, that's how she'd say it. She even said it to my mom once or twice before I was born.

As I got older I never put much thought into it until I got married and my husband and I started trying to have kids. I mean twins run in my family, so I know there's a chance that we could have twins. Even my grandfather said once that I'd be the next one in our family to have twins and to not let my sister fool me. Years later (after he passes away) my older sister April Fools-ed me when she was pregnant with her second and had me convinced she was having twins (she actually had an ultrasound on Apr 1st lol). Since then I've, I guess you'd say clung, to what my grandfather (and even my greats) said. I would love to be blessed with twins, but of course I'd be happy just to find out I'm pregnant.

A lot of my daily habits/superstions I know come from them. I have a handmade dreamcatcher over my bed, I have a old horse shoe with a hawk feather tied to it hanging above my front door for luck and to wars away evil (it's something my gran did), I have NEVER put my Christmas tree up before thanksgiving (my mamaw said it was bad luck and we've always put the tree up the day after thanksgiving), and I talk to ALL my plants when I water them and sing to them to help them grow. There are more, but I'm trying (and failing) to keep this short lol. So on one side of the coin I would say I do believe in that sort thing, psychics/claivoyants, but on the other side it just seems silly to believe in that sort of thing.

But anyways, to my you guys believe in psychics/clarvoyants, or signs that may give you some insight about your future? And if you have any insights or stories of your own I'd love to hear them.

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