I don't know what to do anymore?!

Charl • 💍❤💙💜🐶

My little one is 21 months and all he says is 'yeah yeah' and that's about it he babbles a lot like talking on the phone, he will copy the sound I make but will not copy the words I teach him 🙄 I talk to him all the time but he just wants to do his own thing and play, sometimes I feel like he does fully understand what he wants or what I'm saying to him sometimes, when he wants a drink he will throw his cup but he won't tell or point if his hungry or if he wants something, he just gets really aggy if he don't get his own way (which tbf most toddlers do) he's very independent he likes to do things by himself! Hes very good physically by 6months crawling, by 81/2 months walking and the soon after pretty much running everywhere! But language and understanding just doesn't seem to be developing! Even telling him not to do something he will go back 50x and just keep doing it everyday!

I don't know what to do?!

I don't work, my husband is in the army and sometimes goes away for weeks, I'm away from friends and family and my little one is with me 24/7! Not easy for me to get to play groups either and can't afford to put him in to daycare!

Should I be worried or is it just phases his going through??!