So I finally did it...

Legend • The mom, the wife, the legend.

If you've been there give me and amen sister.

After years of not having them I finally decided to cut my bangs. ✂️

I used to have bangs until they just naturally grew out over time. Well after they've grown out and are no longer bangs my husband and I were having a conversation about something (honestly can't even remember what) and next thing I know he's saying how much he HATES bangs on a girl.

So being that I had them before (all throughout us dating) I was shocked and suddenly insecure. "Did he hate my bangs??? Did he always hate them on me? OR Was it one of those things he didn't like on other girls but liked on me???" 😬

For the next two years I let them keep growing and never dared cut them. But to be honest I missed them. I can't stand my forehead being so bare and my bangs made me feel better about it.

I tried asking him if he hated mine but of course he'd say mine were "fine"... Not that he liked or disliked them. As if to avoid answering. I didn't feel like it was a real answer to my question at all. So I still felt insecure about them.

Well tonight while he's at work I said screw it and decided to cut them. 💇🏻‍♀️

🤷🏻‍♀️No matter if he likes them or not! It's my hair so whatever right!? 😜

I feel like I did a pretty good job on them and I kept them kinda longer and to the sides so it's not the typical across the forehead look of bangs. I kinda hope he likes how it looks but if he doesn't I'm not gonna be upset about it cuz I know I'm happy with them. 💁🏻‍♀️